5 Important web design aspects to think about

Do you want to increase user traffic to your website? And the answer you will arrive at is YES! So, let’s get into it and look at how we can design a well-thought-out website that is user-friendly and effective in getting us to the top amongst our competitors. The website design needs to focus on the following aspects:

1 – Images

The images on your website will provide you with a window of opportunity to grab your user’s attention. A user on average will decide within a few seconds if they like your website or not. Investing time in using good quality images will get you closer to your goal of attracting more users. The image size also needs to be considered as this determines the speed of your website.


2 – Layout

The layout is very crucial as this will help users navigate your website with ease and find the relevant information that they are seeking without getting trapped in loops.There is nothing worse than opening a website and getting overwhelmed with lots of information all over the place. This can confuse the visitor and they will become uninterested very quickly. A good website design will have a decent layout which is as good as getting worthy directions to a new unexplored destination.


3 – Colour

This is an interesting factor which most people overlook while designing their website. Us humans react to different colours with different emotions so it would be worthwhile to capitalise using the right colours.


4 – Content

This one is a tough one as it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If written well then it can be very beneficial because the users will spend more time on your site and it will improve search engine optimization (SEO) for your website. One of the main aspects to focus on while writing good content is that it should be short and to the point so that you can get your point across effectively. Search engines such as google will give preference to original content and will improve your ranking if done right.It will be wise to follow the google guide to ensure that the content is user-friendly and easy for google to crawl to improve your ranking.


5 – Responsive website

Have a look around and I bet you that you will find almost everyone using their smartphones busy with their own daily routines which can range from checking social media, reply to emails, looking for directions, searching for the best restaurant nearby and so on… So, focusing on providing a user-friendly web design that is fully responsive can be a huge advantage to your business.A responsive website should present the content in an elegant manner on any device and adapt accordingly to a desktop, tablet or a smart phone to improve the browsing experience. A call button is one of the best functions to use for a responsive website as this provides the user an easy option to call rather than hunting for the contact number at the footer or on the contact page. The use of smartphones is increasing every single day in our daily lives and we are so used to having the information at our fingertips that it would be an intelligent move to invest into a responsive/dynamic website.

Check out www.swaichwebdesign.co.nz on your smartphone and see the difference.

A good digital agency can increase your chances of converting your audience into paying customers! Get in touch with a professional website design company near you and get things started.

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