6 Benefits of Google Search Console for your business

Google Search Console is a great tool that is offered as a free service by Google. It is also great for SEO as it helps your business monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your website’s presence in Google Search Results. The tool is helpful and improves how Google sees your website.

For some history Google Search Console was formerly known as “Google Webmaster Tools”. The tool can help find errors, broken pages/links, check site indexing, etc. You can save your site by discovering some problems that might hurt your search result rankings on Google and give you the lead to fix the issues for better performance.

It does take some time to learn and adapt to the tool, but it has lots of benefits for your business. Let’s below 6 benefits of Google Search Console for your business.


1 – Get your website indexed

First step when you use the Google Search Console is to ensure your website is set up and sitemap of your website has been submitted. This step will help Google index your website and start the process of ranking your website on Google search engine.

Follow the guideline by Google on how to build and submit a sitemap for your website.


2 – Search Appearance Improvements for your website

Once you have submitted your sitemap and google has indexed your website. You will be able to improve your search appearance.

By using the search appearance section, it can help you understand how your website appears in Googles search engine results page (SERP). Evaluating the results in this section can give you hints on your page titles, URL description, meta tag, meta description, sitelinks etc so that you can fix the errors for better search engine performance.


3 – Analyse your traffic to the site

Always wanted to know the amount of traffic that you are getting to your website? Well, here is where you can find it. You can see graphs that explain the performance of your website and how much traffic you are receiving for a given period.

You can dig deeper into the results and open the report in the dashboard to analyse where your user traffic is mostly appearing.


4 – Get alerts for errors/issues

Google Search Console can alert you in the instance of an issue arising on your site or for any spam errors that may affect your sites performance. Email notifications can be enabled to get notified as soon as error is picked up by Google. This way you can jump In and fix the issue very quickly and if errors are left for too long, they may hurt your search engine rankings.


5 – Monitoring link reports

In this section you can find out sites that are linking to your website and get details of where the links are generated from. Most of the links should be from good sources and these helps build your website domain authority. Other links may hinder your search performance and need to be disavowed so they don’t affect your website.


6 – Improve SEO

Finally, it is a great tool to use for improvements on your website to get better SEO results. This is because the tool helps you troubleshoot any design issues you may have on your website. Overall information provided by the tool helps in guiding you in the right direction to fix the errors or issues for better search engine results.


In conclusion Google Search Console is very vital especially if you are focusing on digital marketing of your website and SEO is your main strategy to get organic traffic to your site. The tool can be over whelming and take a lot of time to learn. So, to make things simple hire a SEO company Auckland that can provide you with results and you won’t have to worry about the hard work in the background.